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Old 29th November 2023, 09:54 PM   #29
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jean, there are singa carvings, paintings, statues all over Bali, lots in Jawa too.

There is no standard.

The representation varies from place to place, artist to artist, purpose to purpose, material to material, time to time.

I really don't know how many singa images I've seen, but it would certainly run into the thousands. I don't photograph every singa I see, in fact they are so commonplace that sometimes you don't even notice them until you actually look.

Its sort of a bit like vintage motor vehicles in some other societies:- lots & lots of them around, here in Oz you could walk through just about any parking lot & find a vintage vehicle, but unless you're really, really interested in vintage vehicles, you take note as you walk past, & then forget it until somebody asks you what the logo for a Holden (Australia's Chev) is.

Guess what that Holden logo is?

Yep, its a Singa.

Anyway, here is a line up of a few singas that I've dragged out of my photo files. All these singas are Balinese of various ages.
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