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Old 28th November 2023, 04:27 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2009
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What is left of Greneng?
What is left of RonDha Nunut?
How is the condition of Singo compared to Greneng elements?
What do the results of this comparison tell us?
Is Singo adequately carved?
How are the proportions of Singo - is it iconographically correct for Bali?

At the moment I think we see an old blade here. It is possible this old blade originally had a figural Gandhik. It is even possible, that parts of the original carving are integrated in the figure we see now.

But the details of execution, the proportions of the figure, the lack of metal grain on figures thigh don't led me to think the figure, as it is now, is in the original state.

Let's see what additional images will tell us.
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