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Old 28th November 2023, 03:32 PM   #13
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post
I do try to be gentle Gustav, especially when I'm looking at an image on a computer monitor. The photo that we're trying to see things in is simply not good enough to show the grain of the metal, to see that we need good light & something like about a 5X jeweler's loupe.

But then, even if we did find that the singa was indeed a later addition, we still would not know why it was an addition, & that is really the crux of the matter.
i fully agree with Alan. While i do understand your point Gustav, i must say that even with close examination with the blow-up you provided i do not see any clear indiction that this singo was added at a later date, though i do fully embrace the possibility. Though as Alan states, there are many cultural circumstances where adding such an element to a blade at a later date is completely legitimate within the context of cultural norms. While that may be something we would be unable to determine without clear provenance, we certainly cannot discount it. If indeed this singo was added at a later date it was certainly done with great expertise. So would that make this a lesser keris in your opinion? really depends upon the history of the blade and the circumstances under which it might have been done, if indeed it was. Personally i am still willing to accept this as a desirable collection.
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