27th November 2023, 04:44 PM
Keris forum moderator
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 7,199
Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
The totogan child is not a demon, it is the god of children, I cannot remember his name, but he is a protector of children, certainly not a demon.
The lion on the blade might be a later addition, as Jean has noted, I'd need microscopic examination to know this or not. Later additions to blades are not necessarily a bad thing, they sometimes reflect the changes in custodianship of a keris.
The "stones" in the uwer might be plastic.
If you go with David's suggestion of WD40 and a good scrub --- & I endorse this --- it is probably a good idea to start with a good wash down and toothbrush scrub in the kitchen sink, using warm water & dishwash detergent, then soak the blade over a few days in WD40 & scrub with a hard brush --- not a brush with metal bristles, but a hard toothbrush or similar, then the dishwash detergent & warm water again, dry in the sun & a spray with WD40.
This is a very nice keris.
I think the very first thing I'd do would be to attack the spot of red rust at the tip with repeated applications of vinegar, using cotton buds.
Thanks Alan. Yes, i would also wash with warm soap and water first. I should have noted that. And i must comment you for spotting that red rust on the tip. I had to turn my screen brightness all the way up and i still could have missed it of i was not looking for it.