Thread: budiak?
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Old 27th November 2023, 12:47 PM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 271
Default budiak

Originally Posted by Ian View Post
Kai and David,

This is a spear(head) (budiak) and identified by Yves as a Lumad example from Negros Occidentale. I don't see any reference to a Moro origin in what Yves or I have written above. It appears to be a socketed head, which is clearly not of Moro construction.


I have shown the pictures of this spear head/budiak to my dear colleague (source of my and my father's endless supply of moro blades, he he). In his honest opinion, upfront, it may not a moro budiak. He says and I quote 'the moro budiaks: long and short, that he has seen, have a more slender profile.' The one featured on this thread is quite 'roundish.'And the 'socketed' feature is not moro. (However, there is a tang going 3/4 the length of the collar socket).

But he's not entirely sure. As he state that he has not seen all variants of the moro budiaks.

I have some pictures of lumad budiaks somewhere...and ask those friendly guys from Bacolod on their opinion.

Will update on this one.

Kind regards,

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