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Old 26th November 2023, 08:32 PM   #4
Keris forum moderator
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I would have loved to have found this as my first keris. I agree with Jean pretty much based upon what i can see, though the winged figure seems more a Singo (lion) then a Naga (serpent). It's hard to be sure from your photos, but i agree that this figure appears to be original to this blade. I would say this could be more likely the earlier part of the 19th C than the latter. I would see how well you can clean this up with a bit of WD-40 and a good brushing with an old tooth brush.
It would be nice to see clearer, closer and better lit photos, especially of the figures at the base. I would like to get a better look at the smaller figure at the foot of the winged singo creature.
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