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Old 20th November 2023, 10:27 PM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 269

Don't discount the officers of the East India Company and the Volunteers raised and stationed in Great Britain during the Napoleonic wars.

Great Britain had a huge number of men under arms during this period who weren't restricted to the regular army supply chains or regulations. Many wealthy businessmen raised and self-funded volunteer or yeomanry companies that did little more than parade on the weekends to impress the girls. Looking at the period art, there is quite a variation from regulation in both the uniforms and swords carried.

Name:  Light Cavalry Officers 1806.jpg
Views: 15214
Size:  141.3 KB
Light Cavalry Officers 1806

Name:  London Volunteer Corps 01.jpeg
Views: 15531
Size:  163.4 KB
London's Volunteer corps 1799
(note the sabres with steel and gilt hilts, and two of the soldiers look to have the 'flank company' shoulder boards.)

Name:  Loyal Volunteers on Parade 01.jpeg
Views: 15228
Size:  128.5 KB
Loyal Volunteers on Parade 1803
(the three officers carry spadroons that look like the 1796 Pattern while the fourth on the left has a sabre in a leather scabbard).
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