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Old 20th November 2023, 12:03 PM   #1
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Posts: 543
Default Dao i just purchased with no idea on what it is, information please

I Got 2 Kora's yesterday in an auction (been looking for 1 for a while and now have ended up with 2) and this sword was in the same auction.
This sword was unsold in auction so when arranging shipping I put in a cheap (I think) bid and the auctioneer accepted.
I have no real clue on what it is but would appreciate comments and opinion on my new addition, courier will take a week or so but in the interim I would welcome opinions so i can get a bit of knowledge.

The auction was of a stately house in Ireland and going on the medals for sale, the house has strong association with India during the mutiny period 1850's or so.

Might this sword be from this period, it looks to be well made and of good quality and but as I said not my area of interest, going on pictures it looks as if It has gone on the collectors market just in time with just surface rust
just starting to appear,

only information from auctioneer is 70 cm long
Regards to all ,

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