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Old 19th November 2023, 09:20 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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In looking at Robson,(1975,p.124) an image of a grenadier officers sword of the 78th Highlanders ( in text noting Capt. Duncan MacRae) 1793-98 is remarkably similar to this example. Its blade is described as 32" curved and similar to M1796 but shorter. In cites the original reference to this is by AVB Norman, "Notes on Some Scottish Infantry Swords in the United Scottish Services Museum"( JAAS Vo. V, p.1).

The ivory grip, gilt brass, lionhead, and volute guard bars are similar.

"...there is clear evidence that from about 1796, in common with line regiments, officers of flank companies of Highland regiments carried curved sabers in certain forms of dress".

Also noted, 'a number of different patterns are known to exist covering the 42nd, 71st and 78th regiments between 1793 and 1817'. (p.125).

The flank companies were 'elite' units of the line infantry, with grenadiers on the right flank, the tallest men and for assault; with the light infantry on the left, smaller, faster men for skirmishing.

That the officers of these elite units were drawn inherently to flamboyance in these times of high military fashion and prestige is clear, and IMO there is no doubt that they would embellish their swords with variously elaborate blades. While the pragmatic use of the saber in combat is undeniable, the element of swagger in a more pronounced curve in a parabolic blade is clear.

Scottish units already had a degree of elitism and carte blanche as they chose their own, sometimes unique patterns.

I have an 18th century munition grade military basket hilt (probably by Drury, London) which has been remounted with a M1788 light cavalry blade. I have seen two others like this. When the infantry ceased carrying swords after 1783, these were placed in stores.
It seems possible, that officers in Scottish units in the 1790s, as noted to carry sabers, several of these might have been remounted with these blades as fighting sabers. Admittedly speculative, but possible.
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