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Old 11th November 2023, 12:52 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by RAMBA View Post
I agree. There are a number of Kora and kukri that have been traced back to this area.
Exactly, and on that note, in discussions a while back there were examples of kukri's which were also mounted with these Indo Persian tulwar hilts. This notable Gurhka influence of course reflects how in the field of ethnographic edged weapons there are no hard line boundaries geographically or otherwise in the diffusion of distinct forms or their elements.

It would be great to see more examples of these hybrids of Nepali and Indian forms, and any provenance details or thoughts on their character. It does not seem we see examples of kukri very much these days, nor even more so, the kora. These are important weapon forms that are rich in the dynamic history of the Indian subcontinent.......lets see 'em !!!!!
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