Geoffrey! Thank you for reviving this thread, and so glad you're still at it with the 'swords of the Raj'

It seems we are a limited bunch as this area of collecting and study is not widely brought up.
What a great example of these 'colonial' sabers (as Wagner, "Cut & Thrust Weapons", 1967 calls them).
It seems that these 'Paget Pattern" #6480 (Wilkinson, but Mole produced many for them) were in 31 1/2" blades for Madras and Bombay forces; while the 33" were deemed for Bengal.
By those facts, very possible this might have been for a Bengal cavalry regiment, thus a good chance for lancers.
My example (by Mole) is marked to 21C, from 1904 called "Daly's Horse" but a unit of Frontier Force. Pretty exciting history of all these cavalry regiments of the Raj.
No idea what the numbers below 21C mean, there were so any number combinations with administrative coding.