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Old 5th November 2023, 06:16 PM   #15
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Going through old files, I found this from nearly 30 years ago. It was listed as a dragoon officers sword when acquired in late 70s (1770-80).
Neumann (277.S) called it an English horseman sword 1780-95 with an identical hilt structure but with faceted pommel.
Robson, (1975) showed a similar hilt suggesting this was the M1788 'heavy' cavalry hilt if i recall.

As earlier noted, British cavalry were termed dragoons, with only the 'light dragoons' beginning after 1759, the heavier troops termed dragoon guards if I understand correctly. The terms light and heavy cavalry came into use with the 1796 regulations.

Obviously the spherical pommel is incorrect, and I never could figure where it might have come from.
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