These are indeed Transcaucasian weapons as far as I have known and distinctly associated with the 'Black Sea Yataghan' as per Jacobsen & Triikman (1941).
It seems these Danish authors used material from "A Magyar Faji Vandor" (J.Vichy, Budapest , 1897) in identifying these.
Plate from Vichy
From Wallis & Wallis sale 352 1989
My example with straight rather than recurved blade (there were numerous variations)
An interesting 'bronze age' sapara (Burton, 1884)
My example transcaucasian 'Black Sea' yataghan
From "Schwert Degen Sabel" Gerhard Seifert (1962) who informed me his identification was from Jacobsen
These weapons seem to have been known in the Caucusus, especially the 'Black Sea yataghan' (Laz bichagi') as many have been known with Georgian inscriptions.
Last edited by Jim McDougall; 29th October 2023 at 08:55 AM.