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Old 29th October 2023, 01:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 36
Default Opinions on "Kurdish-Armenian" Yatagans?

These rare weapons are often modified European blades with a yatagan hilt and persianesque decoration. I recently discovered a picture of one with a rather spectacular curve, complete with an unintelligible Armenian inscription.

I had previously assumed that these weapons were coming out of Armenian/Kurdish populated areas in Eastern Turkey, but given the fact that the inscription on that particular piece closely mirrors similar (equally unintelligible) inscriptions found on some Caucasian Kindjals, this makes me doubt my previous assumption.

Perhaps these weapons were coming out of somewhere in Southern Transcaucasia? Or maybe perhaps the kindjals with similar inscriptions were coming out of Eastern Turkey?

I would be interested if anyone has any insights or further information to share.

Below: A picture of this monstrosity and an Armenian-inscribed kindjal to compare its inscriptions to, as well some other specimens of these yatagans.
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