Thread: Gile Dagger
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Old 28th October 2023, 09:05 PM   #1
G. Mansfield
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Default Gile Dagger

Good day everybody,

I just received this beautiful dagger in that looks to be an Afar or Dir Clan (Issa, Gadabuursi) gile. It is quite attractive compared to the average examples that we come across. Originating from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region, this dagger was purchased from France, with the good possibility of coming from the old colonial French Somaliland, (Djibouti) or nearby Zeila, British Somaliland, (Somaliland).

Strong Arab influences are obvious, particularly with the blade and silverwork in which are reminiscent of Yemeni work. The blade on this example is curved with a strong central ridge rather than the typical dog-legged blade with a set of twin central fullers seen. Also, the silverwork is of very high quality and meticulously worked. The hilt of horn looks to be rhinoceros with a silver filigree band around the grip , silver rosettes, and diamond shaped studs. The pommel cap is a silver dome. Sheath of leather and silver chape and locket. It is a little worn from age but a fine example of such. It likely belonged to someone of a high social status in the late 19th century. Any comments or information are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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