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Old 24th October 2023, 05:18 PM   #1
Changdao's Avatar
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Default African sickle swords

I have been fascinated for the last year of so by the great Central African sickle sword family. They are really diverse, but evidently related in some way, in the same way that European medieval straight swords until sideswords diverge from a common ancestor in the late Roman spatha.

Thus, it would be really interesting in my opinion to share the sickle swords in our collections, sources about them and generally have a discussion about them. I will start rolling the ball by presenting my Ngombe/Ngbandi béro. It is relatively nimble, but still has authority in the striking head. I'm in love with this piece.

Also, it is almost identical in proportions and how it is decorated to the second one, taken from this link:

I like to think that both come from the same "workshop" or at least produced by closely related smiths, in both a geographical and/or cultural way. No hard proof to demonstrate it, but taking into account the huge variety seen even only amongst béro, the resemblance is striking.
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Last edited by Changdao; 24th October 2023 at 06:31 PM.
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