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Old 21st October 2023, 02:51 AM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thanks Bryce,missed that, it was the title.
Interesting on the scarf welds, what was the reason for this? and it seems pretty prevalent.
I got Southwick, ("London Silver Hilted Swords", 2001) and these examples are I think pertinent.

The first in one which corresponds to the lion head dragoon officer I posted.
The next three (black & white) illustrate the 'scrolled' bar designs which seem to have a prevalence with outfitters for officers swords from about 1750s to 1780s including of course those presumed to be contenders for the pattern 1788 heavy cavalry examples. While these are clearly not exact match, they do show the general character of the form.

Most of these scrolled bars seem simple, however yours is far more intricate incorporating baroque floral designs into the half basket pattern with the bars included. It would seem the cutlers were competing using innovative designs. I agree yours would likely be in the 1770s with that 'Adam' type pommel.

I think I have seen a design like this too, but cannot place where it was.
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