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Old 19th October 2023, 10:20 AM   #16
Join Date: Jun 2009
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I got it simply by searching.

Actually I have nothing more to say as I already did in #7 - I have my doubts regarding the blade and age of koftgari(?) on it. It is as far from my area of interest in edged weapons as NP from SP.

I asked a question if there is a fuller running across the blade. Now I also would ask, if it is common for Wilkinson swords, where the blade is homogenous to the sword, with no reasons against that fact, to have such an opening at blade/hilt joint. I would also ask, if such a flaw running across the blade is acceptable on a sword blade made by Wilkinson.

Is there a possibility this koftgari is recently refurbished or, let's say, repainted, or perhaps, even recently created? I think there is.

I do not have a nice story with geographical locations included for it - this sword raises only questions to me.

The auction house put it on auction twice, it was bought at the second time, it was sold under the estimate. The auction house did not post a picture of the entire blade, only hilt and the koftgari part. So I repeat - it would be interesting to have more pics of it, particularly of the part where koftgari ends till the point.
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Last edited by Gustav; 19th October 2023 at 10:46 AM.
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