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Old 17th October 2023, 07:03 AM   #2
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This post didn't catch any takers but figure I should show the sword now that I've received it and had time to clean it up some. I also have a question.

Here is the sundi I was asking about earlier. Note the inset circle below that was revealed by the etch. First I've seen with steel as these inserts are typically brass when they occur. This one would be invisible if not for the etching. Also note the wave pattern and contrast of the etched steel - the sundi looks like a boat on rough water...

Name:  20231017_080428.jpg
Views: 2127
Size:  206.1 KB

Full sword
Name:  20231017_080359.jpg
Views: 2118
Size:  51.5 KB

And question. What was likely using the second set of holes on the handle shown here? I'm
thinking a second piece of iron but worked with the series of vertical bends we commonly see on kampilan.
Name:  20231017_080456.jpg
Views: 2131
Size:  189.9 KB
Name:  20231017_080508.jpg
Views: 2098
Size:  174.0 KB
Also the complete hilt, note the brass pins that surround the pommel.
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