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Old 17th October 2023, 03:49 AM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

The wayang figure that we can see has been put onto the blade by what we call the "batik" process. Batik cloth is dyed by covering with wax those parts of the cloth that we do not want the dye to touch. This figure has been created in the same way, it was drawn onto the blade with wax, then the blade was soaked in acid which left the figure in relief.

Regrettably whoever did this was a bit of a novice, or maybe just plain lazy or stupid or forgetful, and the entire blade was soaked in acid for far too long. This has resulted in what we can see, which is a blade that has been damaged so badly that it is probably beyond resurrection.

What I can see of the pamor motif looks like a random pattern, wos wutah. It is an old blade, probably Tuban-Pajajaran. To my eye, the gonjo has never had any kinatah work or plating.

The wrongko is Madurese ladrangan, it needs a pendok, the hilt is Javanese, it tends towards Jogja rather than Solo, but I cannot get a clear impression from the photos, the mendak is damaged and missing its lower rings.

I'm sorry I was not able to be a bit more upbeat, the clown who ruined this keris should have had his own hands put into the acid that destroyed the blade.

The heavy etch process to create images in blades was very popular in late colonial times & for a very brief period after WWII.
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