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Old 13th October 2023, 05:15 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Hey Jim, I was busy writing at the same time.
I'd looked at the early Mortuary and half-baskets but felt they were much too flimsy for extensive militia arming.

Incidentally, I saw reference made to Mortuary hilts having come from Islay; and while there was a huge black-smithing empire in long-term existence there, I don't know why we would buy our kit from the farthest point in the British Isles. Especially back then, when there was no whisky coming from there. The only thing they had to offer was peat... and trouble.

As I mentioned, Stone was heavily criticised for making his hilts from cast brass, which the Cutlers Company regarded as too breakable, unlike iron.
So, that tends towards Walloons doesn't it? Were they in use here back then?
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