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Old 11th October 2023, 07:55 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 50

Firstly an appology as I've never seen such an example, the physical hatchet heads this side of the pond being the only things I have to go off, some being near identical in shape.

And what I've written I'm happy to be proved wrong. Is there any information on the manufacture method of the pictured axe head? Your head still looks more modern to me, or should I say it would be considered that if I picked it up here, in the firt image I posted the three axe heads I bought in a single visit to Portugal (I've seen the same in Spain) I'd consider them older than yours, again only my opinion & very likely methods developed differently in different areas.

The shape down the inner edge of your head suggests to me cast or more likely stamped factory production, something I only see on (relatively) more recent heads, I imagine it could have been ground to that shape but why, why the effort? I have some stamped or cast heads not in the same style as this head but show similar shapes around the edges.

Now, I know nothing of the U.S manufacturing techniques of the period 1700~1800. Would that period be production line or Blacksmith made ? Maybe I'm wrong.
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