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Old 11th October 2023, 10:16 AM   #19
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 50

Can I ask when you say the "Round poll camp axe" 1700~1800 is virtually identical to your example, what is different?

When I say carbon steel I understand that can be nearly anything, what I mean is your hatchet's steel looks quite refined & uniform, it doesn't look like wrought or a welded bit & it doesn't look particularly old. I suspect it's a single piece of hardenable steel which would make it more recent if that is the case.

The first image I posted shows three hatchets I picked up in Portugal, it's a very popular pattern there with many (possibly hundreds) of different stamps. I've seen many examples & yours looks identical to that style & in very good condition.
All these hatchets have round eyes, that isn't in the slightest bit rare amongst "slip fit" handles of many styles.

The initials look like they have been stamped using a cold chisel one line at a time, the sort of thing someone does to mark their initials.

Of course this is just my opinion, it could simply be coincidence that that these hatchet's look alike & I could be completely wrong, I'm no expert.
Could you post the reference "Round poll camp axe", I'd be interested to see it.
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