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Old 10th October 2023, 10:14 PM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

As a totality this keris can be classified as a Surakarta dress keris.

All the dress items are current era and of rather pedestrian quality, the blade is an older one, nothing special, the gonjo has been replaced.

Wrongko style is Surakarta ladrangan, pendok is embossed, probably made in Imogiri, off the top of my head I cannot name the pendok motif.

The hilt is Surakarta planar, I cannot give a tighter classification from a photo, but it is most likely yudowinatan form, the mendak can be given as kendit.

This would be a very low value keris in Central Jawa, but it is representative of a very large number of the type of keris owned by ordinary people as a dress item.
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