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Old 7th October 2023, 02:29 PM   #1
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Location: Leiden, NL
Posts: 534
Default Tunisian or Libyan berber sword with scabbard

I bought myself some swords for my birthday (I shouldn't be spending money atm but there are SWORDS on the INTERNET! ), one of which was this Tunisian or nearby saber with a French blade and a nice scabbard (maybe from one of you? ). I thought I'd add it here since the swords themselves and particularly the scabbards seem rather rare and information seems scarce. I've tried to take pictures of both the decorative elements and some shots that might show a bit of the details of construction.

Some threads I found with swords of this type:

Combination of my pics and the sellers because my camera sucks.

It occurred to me that, while the grips on these look rather phallic as a whole, given the North African provenance, the shape of the pommel might also have some connection to those of Jineta/Boabdil swords:

Has anyone else made this connection? Or am I just seeing things?
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Last edited by werecow; 8th October 2023 at 01:19 AM.
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