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Old 4th October 2023, 02:19 AM   #45
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 315

I neither agree nor do I disagree with your reply... There are scores of videos on the subject of Archery; either specialised stuff or Archery in general. I enjoy static standard Archery but at the same time its interesting to see some of the trick shooters perform.... Actually what the Archer said in her video was pretty good and I quite enjoyed that as well...
I have just seen a great rendition of Arab Archery on another video presentation and that was also very interesting...
As a weapons system the bow and arrow is quite an amazing piece of kit as in fact, in its most basic form is a deadly weapon comprising two bits of wood and a piece of string...
I hope it fits in well since until gunpowder came along this was the way battles went ...especially in this country.

..however, the reason for posting the Lars Anderson detail was only to inspire people to show interest and even to respond... which I am glad you have done...Thank you for your input.

Regards, Peter Hudson.
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