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Old 28th September 2023, 08:05 AM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

A really interesting piece, Jeff!

From what I can see from the pics, it doesn't seem to have the vibes expected of pieces from Aceh and its backwaters; I can see where Alan is coming from though. Also the details of the hilt and the scabbard don't vibe with Nias as already suggested by Albert.

I'd guess we may have to look towards the eastern part of the island chain.

The blade has a fairly generic shape and seems to be village made as already suggested by Alan.

I agree with Detlef, that we need a close look on the wood carving and other details of the fittings: Could you please provide close-ups of the hilt from all 4 sides and its top? Please also post the corresponding 5 close-ups for the scabbard mouth as well as a pic of its very tip. Thanks!

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