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Old 25th September 2023, 03:54 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108
Default Tanged Spearhead Identification

Tonight I purchased this spearhead from fellow forum member RSword. It was described as possibly being of European origin in the description. It appears to be quite old and was described as potentially being 1000 to 2000 years old. The only comparable object, in terms of age, in my collection is my 17th century (probably) Italian dagger. So it could be that old at least. I do have two other items that are much older (a piece of petrified wood from Arizona and a small meteorite I found when I was a kid) but they are neither arms nor armor so I will keep them out of this discussion. Being a tanged spearhead could set the date of origin for this piece quite far back. My knowledge of ancient European spearheads is close to nonexistent, but I do know that tanged spearheads in Europe went out of vogue at some point during the Bronze age. I thought about points of origin outside of Europe but this head doesn't appear to be from any sources I could think of. Bronze age spearheads from Luristan were tanged and obviously bronze, but my head is iron/steel (RSword magnet tested it). There are iron weapons from Luristan but they are all far more corroded compared to my head. The total length is 17 inches and it is 2 inches wide at the shoulders above the tang.
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Last edited by Pitt1999; 25th September 2023 at 03:56 AM. Reason: Capitalization error
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