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Old 16th September 2023, 02:58 AM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409

As I understand it, the end of the wooden grip is wedged between the blade and the interior space of the cross guard to lock the pieces together. The grip on the subject sword appears to just abut the cross guard and is held in place by the grip pin. To my knowledge, locally made blade did not have a in hole in the tang and this may be why the blade-grip=cross guard structure was developed to hold all parts together securely.

Also, a native wooden grip was of the same diameter throughout. A taper toward the top would defeat a secure grip by sweaty hands.

A finished & serviceable sword left the smith with a secured smooth wooden grip (no cap). The new owner took it to a leather worker or a silver smith to finish it off as personal taste, intended use and relative wealth dictated.

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