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Old 13th September 2023, 04:33 PM   #2
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Not many 15th century examples readily at hand.

Your dagger seems very modern in design, despite its general shape being vaguely based on daggers from the area in question. Certainly nothing like it would have been found 600 years ago.

Examples still in existence will have been preserved because of their inherent value and provenance; I'd expect precious metals and stones and remarkable levels of craftsmanship, rather than stark semi-Scandinavian sensibility.

Without discussing whether the dagger is appropriate for this site, I'd say your example has missed the mark more or less completely.

More or less a nice knife, but I hate the handle; wood is far from appropriate, the flat panels look uncomfortable as well as being unlike anything I've seen from the region. On appearance alone, it does not invite me to pick it up and "handle" it.
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