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Old 13th September 2023, 01:48 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by OsobistGB View Post
As Theo mentioned, the topic is quite debatable. Also, having a lot of books does not automatically make us experts ....It takes a lot of time. Allow me the following provocative question...what would you describe this knife as?
Books doesn't make an expert indeed, but can make us scolars and assist to distinguish between ignorance and knowlede. Quite some experts wrote books in the past, unfortunately not much on small / little cold weapons...
( except the fancy decorated ones, specially golden and belonging to the wealthy aga's or aristocrats and rich landowners).

In the Balkans ( Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Montengro) the last 10 years quite interesting publications and books have been published !

The hilt or grip looks like Balkan and can be seen on a lot of bichaqs but sadly seems to miss its ferrule like you can see here :
or in my collection

But as for the blade, narrow and long, I can not say for sure as I have not seen this type that often; mostly at auction houses with fancy or strange description of origin...sometimes even as an African dagger :-)
being doubtful, I never touched them...

The type of scabbard I have seen some similar ones in Montenegrin ones but also Greek cold arms but that is a region I have limited knowledge on.

This specific one; although a nice scabbard, the knife looks incomplete to me (ferrule f.i.) , and hence I would not have it in my collection, no disrespect nor offence intended at all...

Last edited by gp; 13th September 2023 at 02:04 PM.
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