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Old 9th September 2023, 09:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 52
Default An engraved Kaskara For discussion and a question

Hi All,

I am the happy new owner of this piece. It has the sun moon and star engravings that I have read are associated with European trade blades of the 16th & 17th century. Pieces I have seen like this before have the moon below the cross followed by the sun, and then the star(s). This one has four symbols with an extra star just below the guard engraved on both sides. I didn't see the 2nd star at first because there is slightly more corrosion pitting in that location and it's obscured by the languet, but it's there. Does the extra symbol have any significance? I'd love to learn more about these blades and the symbols. Any info/comments are welcome.

Ok, now for the question. As you can see, this piece has been the victim of an unfortunate restoration. I'm a skilled craftsman and I'd like to restore the grip, but I will only attempt it if I can do it right so it exactly matches the original material and construction. I'm looking for help with any information on the construction of Kaskara hilts. What type of leather are they made of? How is the leather wrapped to secure the pommel? Is the pommel entirely wrapped/layered leather, or is there some kind of core inside? Detailed pictures of other examples would be helpful, especially if they are coming apart slightly so the construction is more obvious. Any help is welcome here.

Thanks for reading and commenting!
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