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Old 9th September 2023, 12:27 PM   #21
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just got a 3rd one; a small Bosnian knife or little dagger.
Some call it kama, other cakija others again noz...
Depends whom you are talking to and where.
It is # 3 on the pics.

Nevertheless sharp they are and deadly as well.
Nicely decorated with similar paterns on the blade, small curved lines and dots ( triangle and circular)

First one with a scabbard although nothing fanciful like the bicaks who have wooden scabberds with copper decorated overlay.
Only metal left; could well be that either cloth or leather did cover it at some time , which has gone or deteriorated through the times.

Timewise diffecult to determine; could be anything from 1860ies to 1930ies.
Handle or grip is bone, decorated with colored circular signs ( not as nice as the bichaqs which have inlays) , one without quillion and two with.
One without a rear bolster / pommel and two with
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