Yatagan blade, any info welcome.
Hello All, this is my first post seeking information from the knowledgeable folks on here. 👍
This is a Yatagan blade (that much I know!) that I pulled out of a house clearance trash bin many years ago. It was a lump of rust with the remainder of a horn handle in a terrible split & hairy state pushed off the blade with rust.
There was a brass embossed typical triangle on one side & the frayed remains of some fine brass wire, knowing nothing at the time (20 years ago) I sanded it by hand & presumed it was carbon steel, & made the oak handle you now see.
Roll on another 15 years or so & I read something that made me wonder if it might be pattern welded, a quick try with Ferric Cloride looked promising so after a few ferric & vinegar soaks in a bent pvc pipe this is where I am.
Please forgive the handle, but to be honest the original was ruined & if I hadn’t picked it up it would be in a land fill now!
Any info welcome.
Last edited by Ian; 4th September 2023 at 05:16 AM.