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Old 24th August 2023, 11:55 AM   #2
Turkoman.khan's Avatar
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Posts: 112

Originally Posted by Marius66 View Post
Good day dear members of the forum,

I bought this interesting dagger,
I thought it was really old but I don't think so anymore:

I found informations on internet about ''anglo indians daggers made for europeans tourists at the beginning of the 20th century.
The hilt is a little different ? Maybe older 19th ?!
I wonder about the blade, I supposed it could be wootz but I read about '' fake wootz pattern'' on these daggers
So I hesitate to sand/etch the blade...🙄
I will receive it soon

Thank you for your comments / advice

Hello, Marius

Congratulations on the new item in your collectio. Good dagger.
You are right. This is an Indian dagger made in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. All of them are similar in the shape of the blade and the material of the handle, made of green stone (jade).
I agree with the version that these daggers were made for Europeans, in fact, as souvenirs. But all these daggers are of good quality. Your hilt is a rarer type than is commonly seen.

I had several similar daggers and my collector friends have a few more. None had a blade made of wootz steel.
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