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Old 23rd August 2023, 10:23 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Congrats, really neat piece!

one of these was this curious sword; the blade measures 17.75" long, 2.75" at its widest and it has a sharp edge from the tip running 7" down the spine.
What is the max thickness of this blade?

While the bone inlay, the silver punto, and the silver braidings seem to suggest honest age, I get mixed feelings: While stylistically correct, the scabbard is pretty roughly finished - something I haven't seen from 19th century status examples; I'm also not convinced the hilt being kamagong (from the limited pics, the surface texture seems to be off) - could this possibly be a stained, medium-weight timber? I'd be inclined to place this ensemble into the first half of the 20th c. Just a gut feeling though.

The fittings are clearly Sulu work, Tausug specifically I believe. While the blade may originate inside the culture, I couldn't exclude it being a Maranao trade blade, especially if later.

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