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Old 22nd August 2023, 10:15 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by mariusgmioc View Post
But the whole discussion was about the so called "Albanian" dagger presented above!

Yes, I know the Illyrian weapons, as I know about the Dacian and the Celtic ones too. But these were produced and used more than 1000 (one thousand) years before the period I was referring to. And betwen the period you are referring to and the period I was referring to there were the so called "Dark Ages," a period of hundreds of years of social, economic and intellectual decline.

So, once again, I was not referring to the period of antiquity, but that of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance before the Ottoman conquest.
yet there still are publications on that period, just look for them...that is what I want to say.

A lot of knowledge is "dark" to many like f.i. the incompletness of Elgood . My intension is to go for the real sources
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