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Old 21st August 2023, 03:58 PM   #10
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Sajen View Post
Yours is carved from water buffalo horn but wood and ivory is also common by sewars. Scabbard throat and foot are as well from this horn by your example.
Phil, Detlef does show an example like this in his grouping but does not mention that hilts covered in silver are also common for sewar.
And i do agree that there is some room for debate as to the proper name (sewar vs tumbuk lada) on this form. Sometimes it really does depend upon who you ask and where exactly they are from. These really fat and cylindrical hilts that are usually ivory are probably best referred to as tumbuk lada, but the line can be fuzzy for some examples. I would definitely call your example a sewar.
Here is my silver sewar example. The sheath is horn.
Can you show us some better photos of the blade. Kai seems to believe yours has been badly sharpened, but frankly, while i can see what might make him suspect that, your images aren't detailed enough to show whether that is an over sharpened edge or merely the affects of light reflecting off the blade. Try to photograph it in natural, even light so that it doesn't glint off the blade.
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