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Old 21st August 2023, 09:31 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by kronckew View Post
I still think it's Kurdish. Kurds occupy a rather large part of eastern Türkiye, as well as in Iran/Iraq.

My Ottoman Kurdish jambiya/khanjar, it's wootz, by the way:

Yours is just a bigger fancier version.
Of course there are similarities between your Kurdish dagger and the one above!

But even more similarities are between your Kurdish dagger and a classic Persian khanjar. Yet your dagger is Kurdish, not Persian because of the very few, but distinctive differences.

The same goes with this dagger. It is Turkish, not Albanian, nor Kurdish, because of the few but very typically Turkish differences... without mentioning the presence of the Turgha punch mark that would be inconceivable on a Kurdish dagger.

And I believe the Turgha punch mark proves this dagger was made by a smith associated with the Ottoman imperial court, as to my knowledge, only few smiths were granted the right to use the Turgha stamp, namely those closely associated with the imperial court. That's why I also believe the place of manufacture of this dagger was in Istanbul area.
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