19th August 2023, 11:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 61
Originally Posted by RobT
Hi All,
The knife could be from WWII but, given the piercing and carving at the base of the blade, the carving on the clip point, the ricasso, and the single bevel, I think that it could be just post the Spanish/American war. When taken together, the aforementioned features appear to be geared more to a native Philippine aesthetic than for US servicemen tastes. Not that there is anything wrong with them (I have a good number), but this knife just doesn't look like the typical Ilocano WWII bing back souvenir bowie. I forgot to say when I first responded to this post but the blade, hilt, and sheath are all really nice. Well done Phil.reid. Where exactly did you say your flea market is located?
Blades beautiful quality and remined me of some of the British india bowies ive owned, the back scalloped edge reminded me of some early US blades. Im keeping stum about my flea market but Australia has an amazing array of collections.