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Old 18th August 2023, 05:05 PM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Default An Indian Musket from the Flea Market

An interesting 'old soldier' found at the Bouckville flea market yesterday. I presume from the style and inscription on the stock that this is likely a deaccession from an Indian armory. You cannot really see it in the pictures, but the barrel is 'Damascus,' made from twisted patterned rods. Flaring at the end and smoothbore as far as I can see, the barrel is secured to the stock by rattan strips and the stock and strips are black, whether deliberately painted this color or a shellac that has oxidized to this color.

Overall length is about 64 inches with a 45.5 inch barrel and an overall weight of about 7 pounds.

Am I correct in my presumption of an Indian origin and does anyone recognize more from the inscription about where this came from?
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