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Old 11th August 2023, 06:34 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by chmorshuutz View Post
I'm sorry, but can someone more knowledgeable explain to me what "Luzon matulis" really is?

Based on my fairly limited experience, people in the present-day Tagalog region use a different term for a similar profile, but I never encountered "matulis" used for such even though the word is indeed Tagalog.

Is Luzon matulis an old profile that went extinct, or just an umbrella term?
The true Luzon matulis has some resemblance to dahong bolo. It's just that the belly starts sooner, and the blade narrows down drastically towards the tip; hence that's why it was called "matulis." However, the label was mistakenly attributed to other profiles such as dahong bolo and dahong palay, because some versions of these are also narrowing towards a very sharp tip.
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