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Old 29th July 2023, 11:35 PM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I have not previously commented because I cannot see anything to comment on.

It is a current era keris, the craftsmanship appears to be middle of the road, ie, neither good nor poor, the form is moderately unusual, but this is a pretty common characteristic of current era keris, it has a random pamor that was probably too thin to begin with --- or maybe the slorok was too thick --- & was unable to support the carver's needs. The curve where the blumbangan meets the kruwingan appears to be very clumsy, but this could just as easily be because of the way the light falls.

The wrongko is poorly carved, I cannot comment on the hilt because I cannot see enough of it.

I cannot see anything in this keris that would make it weird or unusual for a current era keris of this quality. I rather like the elongated gandhik with its Sunda style curve, the gonjo appears to be neatly fitted, I do not like the failure to manage the ada-ada in a more harmonious way, but any minor criticisms that might be able to be made of this keris are not justifiable:- it is what it is, and it does not pretend to be a major work of art.
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