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Old 25th July 2023, 11:41 AM   #27
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Concerning de Sosa and his adventures, we can read out there about his artillery, with some contradictions, but none mentioning the cannons as being of the culverin type. Or still i am missing further sources.
For the record, as you guys are most probably aware, de Sosa real name was Gaspar Castanho de Sousa, born in Portugal circa 1550.
From the Spanish 'Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library', we can read the "Memory of the discovery that Gaspar Castaño de Sosa made in New Mexico, being lieutenant governor and captain general of the New Kingdom of León (July 27, 1590)"

"He ordered the Field Master to have the Royal box kept within short distance from the town, in that part where the town seemed to be strongest; And they did so, and he ordered two bronze shots* to be fired, and for this he ordered Joan Rodríguez Nieto, to be with the said guns and with their fuse ready, and he ordered Joan Rodríguez Nieto to fire one of the shots high *and so it was fired, and with it the harquebus, to see if this would scare them ... and for our safety the said Lieutenant told the Field Master to go to one side of the town, to a barracks that was there without people, and made Diego de Viruega, Francisco de Mancha, Diego Díaz de Berlanga, Joan Rodríguez Nieto go up to the top, with one of the said artillery pieces; And so they went up, although with a lot of work, because the Indians gave them a lot of war from behind a sleeve and trenches".

* I infer this was his bronze artillery; old idiomatic Castilian with no available translation.
So these pieces had to have some carrying or stand devices, but certainly not of big heavy dimensions; whether of a determined class or even local atypical casting ?

Last edited by fernando; 25th July 2023 at 01:58 PM.
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