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Old 2nd July 2023, 07:52 PM   #26
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concerning the long forks as in

I just got a similar one but with one difference:

most of these long forks ( 31 cm long or more) either have only a decoration on the top of the metal piece where the fork goes into the grip or in gold Sarajevo written in Latin writting with flower decoration on the reverse side.

This new one has as well Sarajevo and the date 1888 written but next to Latin on one side also something on the reverse side in Arab writting of which I could decipher "Sarajevo" but no date in Arabic writting and something else written for which my knowledge of Arab writting is too little.
Obvious the language is most likely Bosnian in Turkish translated probably and in Arab writting...which doesn't make it any eassier...

Any one a guess ??? Much obliged if you could or would ...☺
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