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Old 24th June 2023, 03:50 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

Originally Posted by Mel H View Post
Thought some may like to see a Nepalese Kora that I recently acquired from a local auction house. I've not seen many of these over the years so am happy to have it, it seems to follow the general form of the ones I see online with the metal hilt which has an almost slab sided hexagonal metal grip, together with a knuckle guard which I think is less often seen. The blade, sharpened on the inside edge which is engraved with an eye on either side is substantial and quite a bit heavier than I envisaged, I would describe the wide and blunt fore end as almost club like, it would certainly slow down any helmet wearing enemy. The overall patination has darkened it, I'm quite happy to leave it that way but I'm sure that I can see some grain in the blade. I'm also intrigued by the 'knurled' effect at the ricasso, does this appear on any other Asian swords?
I'd welcome any thoughts.
I have seen and have a kukri that are very similar in pommel construction and guard including the curved back part to the knuckle guard. I believe they were made in the early 20th C (around WW1 to 1920s) but could be a bit earlier. Made around or in Almora. Almora is a municipal board and a cantonment town in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Almora is located on a ridge at the southern edge of the Kumaon Hills of the Himalaya range. I have attached the one in the Gurkha Museum that is similar in hilt construction. Very similar pommel. It was gifted by a british Officer of the Gurkha Rifles. I suspect your kora is from the region too.
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