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Old 21st June 2023, 12:04 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I do not really understand what is meant by "--- of this type---".

Over the years I have seen & owned keris hilts of this type, but not of the same execution nor material, as the ones shown here.

I am not able to offer a supportable opinion on geographic location of origin.

Is it a keris hilt?

I think probably yes, reason being that I have seen others like it, but as I have said, not the same execution.

It is probably not possible to give a solid opinion on whether or not this hilt was intended as a keris hilt unless one could actually have it in hand and form an opinion on whether or not it works as a keris hilt. It might be a hilt intended for, or adapted for use as, something else.

Are there any patterns of wear visible?
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