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Old 9th June 2023, 07:35 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by GIO View Post
I would change the hilt only because I prefer more detailed carvings. But I admit that I may be absolutely wrong.
I can understand that. From my perspective however, it is not always a matter of what i prefer. We all collect for keris for different reasons, but for the most part i am looking for sincere and authentic ensembles in my collection. In general patrems tend to be rather simple and unassuming in both blade and dress. It seems very likely that Detlef's patrem is dressed exactly as it would have been in cultural usage. For me, especially as someone from outside the culture, it makes little sense to change the hilt to a more elaborate and detailed form simply to please my own preference for more detailed carvings. I am attempting to collect artifacts of authentic culture that actually served a function within that specific society. For me it is not a "built your own salad" scenario.
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