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Old 7th June 2023, 02:43 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

A good blade, Gavin!

My immediate thoughts on it are -

quite nicely sculpted, the obvious shortcoming is the "broken" continuation of Tampingan on Gonjo - the Tampingan on Jogja blades of this age is mostly very slightly curved, this one looks stiff;

Sogokan on the big side for a Jogja blade, Sogokan Wingking seems to be a tiny bit wider;

the Kembang Kacang Pogok is on the small side for me and could point a little bit more up - but this is my personal preference. Also Condong Leleh is for me a bit too slanted. But such simply is the character of this particular Keris;

Pamor control is not very good, and I feel, the smith would have had difficulties to make Gonjo with the same Pamor.

But overall this Keris Dhapur Pasopati with intended or lost Kinatah Panji Pilis is one of the better Nom-Noman blades posted in this forum so far.
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