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Old 5th June 2023, 04:49 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

Once again I am grateful for all of the comments! The replies to my post have been very educational to me.
My plan of action will be(God Willing), to carry the Kris to the Baltimore Show next year and search out a proper handle and possibly a scabbard with the guidance (hopefully), of some of the forum members who I have met there before. At the show, there is a vendor whose father married an Indonesian woman many years ago, who made many trips to her country and brought back literally tons of items; he has passed, but his son, has taken over his spot; he is knowledgeable, he has loads of inventory, and he is reasonable.
Once I have found a handle, I will not discard the old one but rather put it in a drawer until if and/or when an opportunity should present itself for its rehabilitation.
Having a sheath, while nice, isn't of great importance to me, however, I have noted the spirituality that the Kris, in general, is held by the Forum Community and I am wondering if I am committing some breach of etiquette by not having a scabbard?

Last edited by drac2k; 5th June 2023 at 05:47 PM. Reason: to add proper context
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